Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yoda, Hans and Luke walk into a bar...

We had Will's 9-month appointment a week or so ago and he is a "healthy" 28 pounds, 3 oz and 30 inches.  Thankfully, his height is in the 90th percentile (up from thef 50%) and a bit more in proportion to his off-the-chart weight. : )  The doctor wasn't worried a bit (we aren't either)... Everything else looked good! 

He is as cute as ever - crawling all over the place, making lots of different sounds and hearing "no, no, no" a lot.  I don't remember Grant having quite the affinity for cords and outlets.  We didn't really have to baby-proof with Grant but I think we're going to have to with Will.  And still no teeth.

Grant is totally into Star Wars - all three original movies.  So, in the mornings, they play SW.  Troy and Grant take turns playing Hans/Luke and Will is always Yoda.  Which is pretty accurate with is little ears.

Grant starts pre-school on 9/7 - two afternoons a week.  We went to an open house last week and he loved it.  Cried and cried when we left.  Should make those days when he has Julie's and school interesting since he also - nightly - cries about wanting to go back to Julie's and sleep there.  Sigh...

Not much else is new.  I am SUPER busy at work.  One of my two employees is taking another role in GR so I'm having to staff his replacement, in additional to a fall course schedule that already is crazy and that includes launching a new 3 day course that we (me, now that A. is leaving) are designing/developing.  EEK!  So apologizes in advance for any more-random-than-usual-ness from yours truly!  Hopefully it's just a "phase".  HA!

Check out YouTube too - heiny1056 - I'm hoping to post more videos there tonight too!


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